Download ROMAN



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Development stopped in 2005 when I changed jobs. Various attempts have been made to (re-)install the development environment with the source code. Sadly as so many plug-in components were used I have not been successful in compiling the project. This means the program is currently not being developed.


ROMAN stands for ROntgen Monogrammetric ANalysis. It was developed between 1997 and 2004 for the Institute of Orthopaedics, Oswestry, UK as an intiative of Prof J.B.Richardson. It was written in a program language called Pascal (Delphi) for a MSWindows OS. The Institute of Orthopaedics used it in various wear and stem migrations projects (Thrust Plate migration MD Thesis by Tomoki Takahashi). For years the program download page was hosted by Keele University. This website was re-organised in December 2010, the ROMAN download page was removed. As I don't work for either any more, but the user group had grown over the years, I decided to dedicate a page to ROMAN and allow free access to the program to continue.

How to download

Amazingly, you can download ROMAN for free.
We do like however, to keep track of its distribution, intent of use and publications for which ROMAN was a significant tool. We therefore would ask you to register before you'll be given access to the download. Please provide relevant details around your intentions of use.

The second reason to register is to form a user group. By leaving a contact email behind and a project description, it enables a new comer to seek out help from those who have gone before.

Besides the option to download the software the download page contains further links to user guides.


Cross-linked Compared with Historical Polyethylene in THA

An 8-year clinical study
Carel H. Geerdink MD, Bernd Grimm PhD, Wendy Vencken, Ide C. Heyligers MD, PhD, Alphons J. Tonino MD, PhD
Clin Orthop Relat Res (2009) 467:979 to 984
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The determination of linear and angular penetration of the femoral head into the acetabular component as an assessment of wear in total hip replacement

A comparison of four computer-assisted methods
C. H. Geerdink, B. Grimm, W. Vencken, I. C. Heyligers, A. J. Tonino
JBJS VOL. 90-B, No. 7, JULY 2008
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